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who is the interloper ac odyssey

[9], On 28 November 2012, after an attack on the Abstergo campus by the Assassin Harlan Cunningham killed four Abstergo hackers and destroyed servers, Berg tailed Cunningham on the regional road SR2 in Italy. Because of that, he was analyzing diverse calculations, trying to understand what the Assassins could do beyond that point, when Layla slowed down the Yggdrasil, to stop another eventual catastrophe. After months of work, she managed to build an Animus capable of processing DNA not her own and also excessively damaged DNA. This was the last time Kiyoshi worked with Layla. Human Born in Cairo in 1984, to parents Ashraf and Zeniab Hassan, Layla and her family emigrated to the United States in 1986 when she was two,[1] before finally settling in Queens, New York. Furthermore, Alannah Ryan claimed that someone was listening in on their communications, so the Altar II was forced to go dark until it was safe to open up Atlantis. Subscribe now: Me & Get Special. Affiliations Have fun using it on our WWW pages. [8] Nine days later, in Helsinki, Finland, Juhani was seen spending time with his daughter. Berg and da Costa suggested that the Ankh was merely an Assassin ploy to waste the Templars' time searching for a fake Piece of Eden. In the meantime, he convinced Andr to once more enter the Animus to further explore the memories of van der Graff. [14], Having successfully unlocked Atlantis, Layla entered the room, where she was greeted by Aletheia and joined by Victoria, who was concerned about her friend's wellbeing. This information was vital in the construction of the Animus 4.3, used later, in 2016, on the Abstergo Foundation Rehabilitation Center, and of the Animus 4.35, used on Abstergo Headquarters in London, but she never got to know this, since Sophia started ignoring her due to her trangressions on the company. However, Haek was concerned that Juhani's daughter could be a weakness. [24], With Berg's use of the video with Shay's memories as a faint, Berg caused the Assassins to empty a few safehouses, shut down a few servers, put up some new firewalls and flushed out the Assassins' man in Montreal almost instantly. -. As Hart cryptically reveals his true identity as an Instrument of the First Will, he pulled out a high explosive from his pocket to kill them both. [3] After being bestowed the Staff of Hermes, Layla was able to fight efficiently with her Bleeding Effect as her only training. [2] Layla also witnessed some visions in the Viking's memories that confirmed to the cell that Eivor was indeed the late reincarnation of Odin, as the visions represented altered versions of the Isu's own memories. AC Odyssey Stentor. But you won't be able to stop him. [25], Following the events underneath London, Berg was called to Laetitia England's office. [38], Once in Germany, Berg followed Heinrich Hart, the Abstergo engineer who created the goggles and witnessed his interrogation by Galina Voronina and Arend Schut Cunningham, the Assassins seeking answers over their losses in Hong Kong over the intel given by Hart. While Violet told him that they had discovered proofs that Caitlin has been contacting a third party on her computer, Otso wasn't convinced and believed that Gift was strangled after she discovered traces left by the mole. The game not-so-subtly asks you to fight for either Sparta or Athens as part of the story but mostly in the side content. From there, Berg called his superiors and convinced them to allow him to follow the Assassin back to his base, instead of killing Harlan. The quest is found in the south of Kythera Island in the Skendeia Bay region. [27] In August the same year, the Earth's magnetic field continued to increase in potency since the 2012 coronal mass ejection, resulting in huge electromagnetic disturbances worldwide creating an aurora borealis over the entire world. With it she was able to dispatch the members of Sigma Team sent to find her without much effort. The Black Cross barely gets to the nearby window before the entire building exploded, and jumped into the river below. As she raised a rock above her head to kill him, Sigma Team arrived and intervened. He was skilled enough to subdue Daniel Cross, another Master Templar, originally trained by the Assassins, and took charge of the mission to capture William Miles in Cairo. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide by, Last update: Wednesday, December 28, 2022. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. [29], After synchronizing with Eivor's memories, ending with her discovery of the Yggdrasil Chamber below Hordaland, Layla travelled to Norway to find the Isu vault. Juhani possessed immense endurance managing to kill five highly trained Instruments of the First Will with his bare hands while critically injured. He told the group that given the current situation, he could not approach Abstergo for help and that both he and My'shell were following the trail of the Templar money to Geneva. It is the eleventh major instalment, and 21st overall, in . [52] However, he was eventually freed and was brought to an Abstergo facility in Tokyo, Japan. Along with the Staff's meddling and her experiences of the Bleeding Effect from Deimos and Kassandra, Layla has become prone to sudden bursts of anger, although she later forgets what she did or why. Silver Vein. The real Diona is a worshipper of the Bloodline cultist. In AC Odyssey, there are 42 Kosmos Cult worshipers and 1 leader of this group called The Ghost of Kosmos. However due to the Assassin attack on the Abstergo Foundation in October 2016, all contact with Sofia stopped. [23], Opposed to causing a scene, Juhani opted instead to apprehend William Miles in the Cairo museum, when the Assassin attempted to recover the First Civilization power source for the Grand Temple. Agamemnon's Symbol Eteokles's Symbol Orion's Symbol Agamemnon's Symbol Agamemnon's Tomb is located in Argolis. [16] Having been affected by the power of the Staff, Layla taunted Berg after defeating him. Following this, Kiyoshi left Layla's group for good. [45], Later on, Jasdip was able to capture Charlotte and take possession of the artifact. Berg accepted to go to Montreal, and help Violet with her tasks, to reform Sigma Team as soon as possible. For me kinda gone off the AC series since desmond's death, i kinda played a bit of origins but i have completed odyssey but i dislike the consistent combat in AC Odyssey but Origins offers more shield base combat. [26], In 2016, prior to becoming the new Black Cross, Otso Berg attended the induction of Simon Hathaway into the Inner Sanctum and the subsequent meeting; as he was on assignment, he was unable to physically be there, instead participating via video transmission. Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Upon exiting the Animus, Layla heard Aletheia's voice coming from the Staff, instructing her to identify the three symbols to unlock the Great Seal to Atlantis. Find a Book. [12], Whilst exploring Kassandra's memories, Layla encountered a hologram of the Isu Aletheia, who guided Kassandra to hold onto the Staff until she could hand it over to Layla, whom Aletheia referred to as the "Heir of Memories". He, alongside Violet da Costa, supervised a research analyst as they explored the memories of Shay Cormac located in the Helix, which had a virus implanted in them. If you choose the correct answer, youll only have to fight Diona. Hathaway accused the Templar Order of heresy, causing tension among all the members, and then presented his research. [18] An informant within the facility left the group a note encrypted within an Animus, after obtaining and decrypting the note they discovered that the Templars were performing experiments on a Staff of Eden. [31], However, when they started Andr's session, he screamed out in pain. [4], On 28 October, Berg had interested his superiors within Abstergo with his training in the Animus, enough to be promoted within the ranks of the Templar Order. All rights reserved. [41], Berg proposed that the group who attacked Charlotte in Hong Kong and the group that attacked him were the same group of people, being led by Dhami himself. They also stopped to erase his DNA data from the Abstergo database. Suddenly, both of their phones - along with those of every Templars' around them rang - displaying the Black Cross symbol. Shaun also placed a mood stabilizer on Layla's neck, to ensure she did not succumb to the Staff's influence again. Born Horrified at what she'd done, Layla was approached by Aletheia, who proclaimed that Layla might not be the true "Heir of Memories" after all, and that she needed time to reflect. This culminated in Layla accidentally killing Victoria with the Staff. There's at least one choice in Assassin's Creed Odyssey that I wish I hadn't made, where I wish I'd gone down a different path. Finnish is one of three Uralic languages and not Germanic. His abilities are similar to those of a high-ranking Assassin, allowing him to hunt down even the strongest Assassins like William Miles. Uncertain of her team's status, Layla went to unlock the Seal, realizing that the three words Phidias had repeated when Alexios assaulted him were the password. Coming from Southern Finland, he is more likely to be a Finno-Swede, descendants coming from Sweden possibly in the 1200s. Then jump on it and jump on the other side. Even though Kassandra is the canon choice and the more pleasing character in cutscenes, the majority of the players in Odyssey still chose Alexios. Otso Berg revealed that he and the Templars had been tracking Layla ever since she found the Lost Histories of Herodotos. The correct choice is the first one: On the right youre Diona!. When Violet asked what the hurry was, Berg informed her that he suspected that they had a leak and that this unknown party knew that they were getting close to something even if they themselves did not know it. It is likely he is of Germanic ancestry (possibly Swedish or German) as Finland was not of Viking origin or part of proper Scandinavia. to the Abstergo cloud server. You have to complete three support quests: Agamemnon's Symbol, Eteokles's Symbol and Orion's Symbol. [9] When exploring the memories of his viking ancestor, he displayed disgust and shame at his ancestor's savagery and ruthlessness of killing a helpless prisoner. [12], Once Layla had found Aya's hidden blade she taped it to her forearm as a make-shift hidden blade. Dre then stated that Berg's war was a war he had no wish to be part of, and passed the Black Cross pin to Otso as he believed that he was going to need it for what he had to do. Database entries [38], Knowing that it was a summoning from the Inner Sanctum to a meeting with them at a nearby retreat, Berg sent Bolden dressed as a Black Cross to protect his secret identity. [16], Layla subsequently returned to the chamber, wishing to finish the trials despite Aletheia's apprehension. Juhani Otso Berg (born 1985) is a former member of the Finnish Special Forces and a high-ranking agent of the Operations Division of Abstergo Industries, as well as the leader of Sigma Team. He was later inducted into the Inner Sanctum of the Templar Order and became the director of Abstergo Medical. Political information The Master Templar ordered Violet to bribe the chinese police to leave the site as it was, and retired to his hotel room for the night. However, Andr did not believe Berg and called him crazy, to which Berg replied that, after everything Andr had seen and experienced, this did not sound too far fetched. [1], At some point, Layla met Deanna Geary, a member of the Medical Team, and the two became best friends. Using the Animus, Layla was able to relive the memories of the shieldmaiden Eivor Varinsdottir. vocabulary. Despite the outcome, Juhani's superiors were pleased with his performance, crediting him for the deaths of three Assassinseven though Cunningham escapedand did not hold him responsible for the loss of Sigma team. The suit features gauntlets equipped with a grappling hook that can be used for climbing. Juhani accessing the Inner Sanctum office, Berg bearing the marks of his encounter with Assassins, Early design for Otso Berg in Assassin's Creed: Templars, Juhani Otso Berg's outfit as the Black Cross, Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer Exekias the Legend . Warning the Sanctum that for him they were all suspects, Bolden promised to call upon them soon - and left after dropping a smoke bomb. It explained everything from Jacques de Molay's vision of the Templar Order to the history of the Swords of Eden. The real Diona is a worshipper of the Bloodline cultist. Months later, the team received a strange message that promised a solution, which led them to a 9th century Viking grave in New England in United States. The near-lack of contact with Sofia angered Layla over the denied professional opportunity. If you choose wrong, the real cultist will attack you. [38], Returning to his apartment, Otso was soon joined by Bolden who was still wearing his outfit. Layla, having found the entrance and the city, further explored Atlantis, looking for a way to open it. The two are considered to be interlopers by the other as they both believe the other is trespassing on his land.. [3], In January 2011, protests against then-president Hosni Mubarak and his regime erupted in Cairo and other Egyptian cities. 1984Cairo, Egypt[1] [1], However, Layla remained uncommitted to her studies and found herself thriving in the campus' highly politicized atmosphere, feuding with the school's administration. There, she made him a Master Templar and inducted him into the Templar Order's Inner Sanctum, but also had Daniel Cross inject Berg with a tracking device so they could monitor all of his movements. Through a transceiver from one of the deceased operatives, Layla helplessly listened in on Sigma Team as they stormed Deanna's hotel room and eliminated her. [22] Disguising the doctor in an Abstergo guard's uniform, the four Assassins were successfully able to exfiltrate him before Abstergo knew about it. Each of these quests involves exploring the tomb and finding a mysterious symbol. [41], Back at the Assassins hideout, Berg offered to help the Assassins with their research and findings which they rejected, believing that he will not find anything at all. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. [25], In 2015, Juhani and Violet were assigned to aid Isabelle Ardant in her search for the Shroud of Eden. Who Uses This Site? [1], Layla returned to Abstergo and continued her work there for the next three years: she was issued her own portable Animus, but her satisfaction with her job grew stale,[1] as her infamous reputation caught the Templars attention and she started suffering disciplinary measures. Use Ikaros to locate the camp, where a small chest is. [11] Maestranzi, not wanting to abandon the base, detonated a bomb that destroyed the Assassins' hideout and files, and killed all of Sigma team except for Berg, who suffered burns that left facial scarring. One such situation occurred during the mission in Cairo, as William Miles posed as a tour guide to a group of students once he had arrived. With his father's blessing, Juhani returned to Finland to join the army. However, at that moment, a car drove past and shot at them. This cemented her existing tendency to buck authority. Layla then returned to the Animus to synchronize with the remainder of Kassandra's memories. She told them not to come looking for her, noting the peril of such a task. Juhani Otso Berg is a fictional character first introduced via the 2012 community-oriented project Assassin's Creed: Initiates. Biographical information His last name, Berg, means "mountain" in several Germanic languages. [21], In October, Berg spoke with Laetitia about an attack led by Gavin Banks that occurred in the Abstergo Laboratory dedicated to the research of the Sage John Standish in Paris, which ended in the destruction of the lab. Layla Hassan [17], Layla infiltrating the Tokyo Abstergo facility, In mid-2020, Layla and her recently assigned replacement cell consisting of Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings traveled to Tokyo and reunited with Kiyoshi. Juhani despised the entire Inner Sanctum considering them ruthless relics trying to maintain there power,[54] Even when preoccupied with his duties as a Master Templar, Juhani still made sure he had time to spend with his daughter. Head to the big door to find it locked. As they dug up and recovered the artifact, they were discovered and captured by Jasdip and the instruments. [3] When Juhani defied orders when capturing William Miles, Laetitia England later accused him of avoiding conflict in order to protect the young civilians, as they reminded him of his daughter. Layla () is a feminine Arabic name meaning 'night', while Hassan () is a common Arabic surname meaning 'strong, good'. [51], By November 2019, Berg remained a captive of the Assassins who attempted to interrogate him for information. The Assassins managed to free themselves, eliminating the Instruments while Berg confronted Jasdip. Berg and the Assassins were later able to enter the lab after Jasdip was executed with a bullet to the head by a sniper rifle, while the Instruments were destroyed with an RPG by Arend and Kiyoshi. Berg then informed the Assassins that the Koh-i-Noor was buried in a mass grave in the Spanish hillside, about 60 miles south of Barcelona and that if the Instruments were to find the jewel first, they would be able to resurrect Juno and bind the other Pieces of Eden. [30], As they monitored Andr's session, Violet asked Berg if it was wise to let Andr know so much about them, to which Berg answered that Andr, as a soldier, understood that they were doing something important and that he had his own reasons for helping them. To jump over them, place the shelf in front of the blockade. [27], Ten days later, Hathaway interrupted a meeting by the Inner Sanctum and asked to present his case or face the consequences for having stolen the Sword of Eden, damaged Abstergo property and deleted the memories of his ancestor and shared classified information with Anaya Chodary and Victoria Bibeau; Berg and lvaro Gramtica were alerted so they could once more attend. In November, Berg learned of an Assassin cell led by his former colleague Layla Hassan, who had defected to the Assassin Order. After talking to her, you will come out of the simulation again. Diona, a priestess of Aphrodite, is being attacked by some thugs and you can jump in to defend her. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Ubisoft or Ubisoft. Berg is the only known Black Cross that is also a member of the Inner Sanctum, with previous Black Crosses having functioned as enforcers for the Inner Sanctum without being part of it. Despite this apparent change in personality, Layla still valued her allies, new and old, selflessly choosing to stay in the Yggdrasil Chamber with the Reader and turn off the device. [12][13], In October 2018, during her quest for Isu artifacts, Layla discovered the Lost Histories of Herodotos, the earliest known Greek historian. Juhani was still confused as to how Assassins evidently came across a greater equipped force in what amounted to an administrative location. Otso Berg After their departure, the Black Cross jumped on Hart - also seeking answers from the traitor. Dhami warned Berg to stop his investigation or else he would risk his daughter's life, before throwing Berg over a guard rail. Stealth of course is available, but the game . He offered her a position within the Brotherhood and faced with no other option, Layla agreed to work with him, but refused to actually join as a member. [2], Layla screaming her frustrations at Abstergo, During her early years, Layla Hassan was noted by her colleagues for her strict adherence to policy and protocol. When Berg arrived, Jasdip and Soora had already fled and the Brahman destroyed and concluded that the Assassins were nowhere closer to finding the Koh-i-Noor than the Templars. Berg was paired up with Charlotte and Galina, and were able to locate the mass grave. [15], As Layla continued to relive Kassandra's memories while the latter explored the simulations, Layla's behaviour became increasingly aggressive, which caused Victoria to forcefully pull Layla out of the Animus, citing the Bleeding Effect to be affecting her. Charlotte was later freed when Miguel, one of the assigned protectors of the Koh-i-Noor, attacked Jasdip through the fire. Plus you unlock amazing new skills which is very much fun. They can be defeated easily, but youll feel the ramifications of killing the innocent sister. Following this event, Layla's relationships with the other members of her Assassin cell became strained, and she was reassigned to an Assassin cell with Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. [9] She also idealized and projected a new Portable Animus and had planned to present her new design to Sofia and finally be a part of the Animus team. Ethnic Finns lived in tribes throughout Finland, Estonia and Northwestern Russia from Western Siberia. [50], When the Sigma Team was repelled by Layla, Berg made the initiative to confront the Assassin himself while she was reliving the memories of the misthios Kassandra in Atlantis. Although Layla worked for Abstergo for eleven years, the one thing she wanted more than anything else was a promotion to work on the Animus Project. However, they were later broken up by a force of energy unleashed by Charlotte after she gained possession of the Koh-i-Noor. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. When Layla brought up Elina's illness and what she could do with the Staff, Berg threatened the Assassin, demanding her to hand over the staff. When you look at them, the mission will end. Without informing her superiors, Layla used her own Portable Animus to relive their memories from around the year 48 BCE in order to prove her worth to the Animus Project, while Deanna monitored her vitals remotely at a nearby hotel. As Berg watched, Vidic gave Elina Abstergo-brand medication that he promised would help to cure her condition, with the promise of more doses if Juhani would join him. [25], By 2015, Berg's faint with the use of Shay's memories had resulted in the military contacts of the Assassins and the Initiates being transferred or discharged, their wealthier private citizens being audited or brought out by Abstergo and their friends in the higher learning faced budget cuts and challenges to their authority and curriculums. Berg demanded to know why Abstergo money was going to the Assassins, to which Lemair swore that they didn't know about it. [12] As part of her first Assassin mission, she and Kiyoshi Takakura went on a mission to Quebec. When he was in Essen, Berg gave up and asked his partner, Violet da Costa, to relay all the official and unofficial records of the Ankh. , Layla subsequently returned to the Assassins, to reform Sigma Team as soon as possible cell... Further explore the memories of the Assassins, to ensure she did not succumb to the Staff had been Layla! 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