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libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

The type of removal is defined by one of the following values from the enumeration: The XRangeMovement interface provides two additional methods for moving (moveRange) or copying (copyRange) cell ranges. In very rare cases, before calling up some property, use the IsEmpty function to check whether it is actually available. The minimum value of the Y-axis is fixed to 0 and the maximum value is fixed to 100 so that the resolution of the chart is retained even if the values are changed. Unlike C++ or Delphi, the LibreOffice Basic compiler does not create executable or self-extracting files that are capable of running automatically. Note: A procedure executes an action without providing an explicit value. To keep the previous values, you must define the variable as Static: Note: The legend has a gray background color, is placed at the bottom of the chart, and has a character size of 7 points. This ensures that at any one time, only one option button is set. The possible values are: In addition to directly modifying cell content, LibreOffice Calc also provides an interface that allows you to insert, delete, copy, or merge cells. Note: It is important that the name and position of a cell are not confused because row counting for names begins with 1 but the counting for position begins with 0. The Select Case statement evaluates the expression, which is TRUE or FALSE, and then compares that value to Var. A function, just like a procedure, combines a block of programs to be executed into one logical unit. Finally the code sets the Label property of the control element to the New Label value. The object variable created must then be initialized so that it can be used. Text fields provide the following properties: The following properties are provided through the associated model object: A date field makes it possible to enter, display and edit date values. The service grants access to the content of a paragraph. To compare the differences between different SQL dialects, the SDBC components from LibreOffice have their own SQL parser. If the True parameter is passed here, then insertControlCharacter replaces the current text. If you set this value to zero in a dialog, all the control elements are visible regardless of their Step value. A data field contains several variables, which are addressed through an index. Information about creating, opening, and saving drawings can be found in #Working With Documents. This allows numbers to be handled in a manner which more closely reflects machine architecture. The letter A stands for the column and the number 1 for the row. The only way to have a fixed page name is to rename the page, by the user interface or by programming. Use the keyword Private to define the variable: If several modules contain a Private variable with the same name, LibreOffice Basic creates a different variable for each occurrence of the name. For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit Note: The interface provides a method to remove a sheet of a given name: Each sheet contains a list of its rows and columns. To convert local file names into a URL, LibreOffice provides the ConvertToUrl function. The row objects are based on the service that has the following properties: If the OptimalHeight property of a row is set to the True, the row height changes automatically when the height of a cell in the row is changed. Text fields can also be used as special currency and numerical fields as well as screen fields for special tasks. The chart wall is the background of the coordinate system where the data is plotted. This allows the paragraphs to be edited. If this is the case, the Control.Name property then checks whether the name of the control element is MyListBox. All occurrences of the name, The character $ marks a paragraph end. These are defined in the service. You can access individual pages either through their number or their name. Note: This object allows you to directly access the content of a dialog or control element. The bookmarks can either be accessed by their number or their name. The Replace function used for replacing does not fall within the standard linguistic scope of LibreOffice Basic. The. The Format Cells dialog in LibreOffice Calc provides an overview of the different formatting options for cells. There are no practical limits on the indexes or on the number of elements in an array, so long as there is enough memory: Note: These include. BASIC Programming Guide 2 OpenOffice. A variation of the If statement is the If/Else clause: In this example, the variable B is assigned the value of 2 when A is greater than 3, otherwise B is assigned the value of 0. The active document object is accessed in LibreOffice through the StarDesktop.CurrentComponent property, or through ThisComponent. Content on this page is licensed under the Public Documentation License (PDL). For example, the following line declares an array with four integer variables: In the previous examples, the index for the array always begins with the standard start value of zero. The following values are available: The following example creates a circular slice with a 70 degree angle (produced from difference between start angle of 20 degrees and end angle of 90 degrees). The preceding Filename and Title properties are of the string type. The following properties are available in this context in the control elements model: Finally, the control element provides a setFocus method that ensures that the underlying control element receives the focus: A dialog in LibreOffice can have more than one tab page. Any existing values in the specified cell range are moved below the range. The following functions are available in LibreOffice Basic to retrieve the system time and system date: Working with files is one of the basic tasks of an application. In the simplest scenario, these are the X and Y-axes. The example first tests whether the B parameter has been passed and, if necessary, passes the same parameter to the internal B_Local variable. LibreOffice Basic supports Modules and Libraries. In addition to the Yes and No states, a check box can have an in-between state if the corresponding Yes or No status has more than one meaning or is unclear. The text frame's insert position is determined by a Cursor object, which is also executed when inserted. To assign a macro to an event: The occurrence of a particular event is not always enough for an appropriate response. If it does, the method determines a corresponding object reference by using the getByName method and then saves the reference in a variable in Sheet. It combines all the pages within the spreadsheet. VBA: The method for passing parameters to procedures and functions in LibreOffice Basic is virtually identical to that in VBA. Then it iterates through the entire text, sentence by sentence, and highlights each of the first words and formats this in bold. Each type of style provides a whole range of individual formatting properties. When the dimensions of the data field are changed, all contents are lost. All of these share a number of common features and support the service. LibreOffice presentations are based on drawing documents. When you click a button that has this property set to the value of 0, the dialog remains unaffected. It uses not only the Doc document object but also the DocCrl document controller object which makes reference to the current document window. Annotation fields ( can be seen by means of a small yellow symbol in the text. Note: The cell type is not determined by the content that is saved in the cell, but rather the object property which was used for its entry. The expressions for searching and replacing are set using the SearchString and ReplaceString properties of the ReplaceDescriptors. Just as with the search function, the replacement function from LibreOffice is also available in LibreOffice Basic. The following example writes the "Just a Test." VBA: Whereas the structure of an object in VBA is defined by the class to which it belongs, in LibreOffice Basic the structure is defined through the services which it supports. These determine the procedure LibreOffice uses when saving a document. Example declarations for long integer variables: Single variables can store any positive or negative floating point number between 3.402823 x 1038 and 1.401298 x 10-45. Example 1: access by means of the number (numbering begins with 0), Note: Numbers can be presented in several ways, for example, in decimal format or in scientific notation, or even with a different base than the decimal system. These are neither named nor indexed and there is therefore no possible way of directly accessing individual paragraphs. An array declaration is similar to that of a simple variable declaration. LibreOffice Basic Macro Tutorials StarOffice (Basic) programmer's Tutorial, May 2000 LibreOffice API LibreOffice scripts make use of the LibreOffice API , documentation is available at: 3.1 Developer's Guide Developer's Guide new home in LibreOffice wiki ScriptForge Library LibreOffice Programming They provide a very convenient way to store, maintain, and distribute styles, macros, boiler-plate text, and other useful things. VBA: The ParamArray keyword present in VBA is not supported in LibreOffice Basic. Whereas VBA uses the Document.Frames.Add method for this purpose, creation in LibreOffice Basic is performed using the previous procedure with the aid of a TextCursor as well as the createInstance method of the document object. LibreOffice Basic can be used by any LibreOffice user without any additional programs or aids. It contains the following properties: The following example uses the KeyCode property to establish if the Enter key, the Tab key, or one of the other control keys has been pressed. The following is a practical example of this. It then converts a URL into a local file name and also displays this. It is important to check the error number so that unanticipated errors can be detected. This allows Java to control and manipulate LibreOffice's text, drawing, presentation, spreadsheet, and database applications, and a lot more (e.g. If you want to change the size or position of control elements for runtime, determine the total size of the dialog and adjust the values for the control elements to the corresponding part ratios. The expression Dim MyArray(3) declares an array that has four variables of the variant data type, namely MyArray(0), MyArray(1), MyArray(2), and MyArray(3). For more complex statements, you can cascade the If statement, for example: If the value of variable A equals zero, B is assigned the value 0. The Map AppFont (ma) replaces the Twips unit to achieve better platform independence. The following example shows how four lines of a mathematical expression can be linked: Note: A TextCursor in the LibreOffice API is comparable with the visible cursor used in a LibreOffice document. From a routine called by an event of a control, e.g. For detailed information check out our wiki page. Before accessing a returned object, you should therefore check whether the returned object supports the service for paragraphs or the service for tables. Clicking on this symbol opens a text field, in which a comment on the current point in the text can be recorded. The following example therefore displays a message that informs the user whether the Spreadsheet object contains a page of the name Sheet1. VBA: In Microsoft Excel, a distinction is made between charts which have been inserted as a separate page in a Microsoft Excel document and charts which are embedded in a table page. The following example shows how graphics (named Sky) already contained in LibreOffice can be used as a background for a chart. The text frame is finally assigned the This is a small test! string. Parameters are normally passed by Reference in LibreOffice Basic. Any number of documents can be opened in this way in LibreOffice Basic and then edited using the returned document objects. (In English, at least, they must be followed by a space, tab, or return for this to work.). The LibreOffice Basic programmer can access the values through the Position property. If it finds the search term, it takes the part before the expression and writes it to the Result return buffer. You can navigate through the control elements in any dialog by pressing the Tab key. Programmers who want to work directly with Java or C++ rather than LibreOffice Basic should consult the LibreOffice Developer's Guide instead of this guide. VBA: In terms of their function, the LibreOffice Basic insertCell, removeRange, and copyRange methods are comparable with the VBA Range.Insert, Range.Delete ,and Range.Copy methods. VBA: In LibreOffice Basic, the expression Option Base 1 does not affect the number of elements in an array as it does in VBA. The return value can be overwritten several times within the function. Note: This example shows how a text can be searched for the word "turnover" and the results formatted in bold type. However, unlike a procedure, a function provides a return value. If the directory contains sub-directories or files, these are also deleted. An example of how to use the definition, and how to reference the fields within an instance, appears in the section on WithEnd With. Sunday is considered the first day of the week. In LibreOffice, various types of charts can be displayed in a stacked form. In the preceding example, you can also assign the Step value of 0 to the dividing line as well as the Cancel, Prev, Next, and Done buttons to display these elements on all pages. LibreOffice Basic provides the MsgBox and InputBox functions for basic user communication. The replacement function of LibreOffice is particularly effective when used in conjunction with regular expressions. Basic can handle both methods like a property Name. If a number is not provided, 0 is displayed in its place. The interface ( is available through the spreadsheet object and provides four methods for modifying cell content. The area highlighted by the TextCursor therefore begins after the seventh character in the text and ends after the tenth character. With this function, LibreOffice searches for an expression that may be similar to but not exactly the same as the search expression. For more information, see the LibreOffice API reference. All other characters are inserted as escape coding in the URLs. This event is also used for notifying requests for a popup context menu on the control. Libreoffice basic programming guide pdf Anyone who is already familiar with LibreOffice Basic programming can find additional information in the Developer's Guide on LibreOffice Basic and LibreOffice programming. This help section explains the most common functions of LibreOffice Basic. You can use the computeFunction method to perform mathematical operations on cell ranges. However there is one major difference: whereas the command format expects English abbreviations and decimal points or characters as thousands separators, the country-specified abbreviations must be used for the structure of a command format for the NumberFormats object. The method for accessing the shape objects of a control element also uses the corresponding drawing level of the document. To define the cell range that you want to insert, use the structure. You can open a dialog with the following code: CreateUnoDialog creates an object called Dlg that references the associated dialog. The When initiating event is also noteworthy for the following reasons: The properties for the Item Status Changed event are: LibreOffice Basic recognizes a range of control elements which can be divided into the following groups: A button performs an action when you click it. Java LibreOffice Programming (JLOP) is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API. If you are running from within the Basic IDE, debugging or exploring, then StarDesktop returns the Basic IDE itself. As of LibreOffice Version 3.0, unlike variables, there is no way to make the definition accessible outside of the module. Charts are not treated as independent documents in LibreOffice, but as objects that are embedded in an existing document. The control elements of dialogs and forms differ in several aspects. Functions and procedures can only be called up if all the necessary parameters are passed during the call. The FilterOptions property contains the description of the syntax of the csv file. The wall is set to be blue. For example, in the following variable declaration, MyVar1 becomes a variant and MyVar2 becomes an integer: The following sections list the variable types that are available in LibreOffice Basic and describe how they can be used and declared. The command: specifies a delay of 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds). The command: specifies the same delay, 2 seconds, as the previous example. The example first creates a text field which supports the service. The queries are accessed by means of the QueryDefinitions method of the data source. Among the most useful are: LibreOffice Basic understands common mathematical, logical, and comparison operators. In these situations, the XEnumeration and XenumerationAccess interfaces are appropriate. This code uses the String-property of the rectangle to insert the text and the CharWeight and CharFontName properties from the service to format the text font. Although this provides considerable flexibility, it is best to restrict a variable to one variable type. The document object of a spreadsheet is based on the service. LibreOffice Basic is a fully-developed procedural programming language and no longer requires rudimentary control structures, such as GoTo and GoSub. Before a text file is accessed, it must first be opened. For example, if only the C:\SubDir1 directory exists, then a call. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase characters. Common pieces of reusable Python or UNO features must be stored in My macros within (User Profile)/Scripts/python/pythonpath. The following example uses the String property to display the first words of a sentence in a message box: The first word of each sentence can be modified in the same way using the String property: If the TextCursor contains a highlighted area, an assignment to the String property replaces this with the new text. Do not specify the constant type in the declaration: it will be silently ignored. Line objects support all the general formatting services with the exception of areas. The structure for hatches has the following properties: The following example demonstrates the use of a hatch structure: This code creates a simple hatch structure (HatchStyle = SINGLE) whose lines are rotated 45 degrees (Angle). Functions LBound() and UBound() return respectively the lowest permitted index value and the highest permitted index value of an array. LibreOffice recognizes four main types of formatting for a fill area. Changes made to the variables are retained when the procedure or function is exited: In this example, the value A that is defined in the Test function is passed as a parameter to the ChangeValue function. The following program code shows how the Step value in event handlers of the Next and Prev buttons can be increased or reduced and changes the status of the buttons. chapter #LibreOffice_Basic_IDE describes more fully the IDE The first 128 characters of the ISO character set correspond to the ASCII character set. Bookmarks (Service are TextContent objects. LibreOffice Basic recognizes but ignores this keyword, because this is already the default procedure in LibreOffice Basic. You can also declare type-specific variables in an array. In all other instances (that is, if A is greater than or equal to 3), B is assigned the value 2. Dialogs can, for example, display database information or guide users through a step-by-step process of creating a new document in the form of a Wizard. The hasByName and getByName methods are obtained from the interface. Dialogs appear in the form of one single dialog window, which is displayed over the document and does not permit any actions other than dialog processing until the dialog is ended. When first requested, a string containing the path of the directories to be searched must be assigned to Dir as its first parameter. These commands stop the procedure or function and return the program to the point at which the procedure or function was called up. Jumping directly to a general program procedure from a macro can result in unclear code. To convert a URL into a local file name, LibreOffice provides the ConvertFromUrl function: The example converts a local file name into a URL and displays it in a message box. The origin of the objects is explained at a later point in this guide. A program-controlled position change of a TextCursor object has no impact whatsoever on the visible cursor. A database form corresponds to a standard LibreOffice form. Upon closer inspection, the following code sequence. LibreOffice positions the control elements of a form at drawing object level. In accordance with UNO philosophy, an Obj is described as a reference to an object which supports the service. If an error is made during the modifications, this can be undone using the cancelRowUpdates()method. Finally, LibreOffice provides a mechanism for forms based on databases. After modification, the values must be transferred into the database using the updateRow()method. In addition to single dimensional data fields, LibreOffice Basic also supports work with multi-dimensional data fields. The LoadLibrary method performs this task. You can also link another action to the button to close a dialog using the PushButtonType property. The paragraph properties are available through the service. You will find another description of dialogs in the Developer's Guide: Browse to and select the macro you want to assign. This can be compared with highlighting a point in the text using the mouse. LibreOffice Basic provides two functions to convert lowercase characters in a string to uppercase and vice-versa. This help section explains the most common functions of LibreOffice Basic. For an understanding of the API, it is, however, useful to have the assignment of methods to various interfaces handy, since many interfaces are used in the different services. The code used in the example then creates a list containing all charts of the first spreadsheet (Charts line = Doc.Sheets(0).Charts). The Dialog Editor: Creates personal dialog windows and provides scope for the adding of control elements and event handlers. VBA: The page properties (page margins, borders, and so on) for a Microsoft Office document are defined by means of a PageSetup object at the Worksheet object (Excel) or Document object (Word) level. Warning: The actual object form can be accessed through the Forms list at the drawing level. which at first glance seems straightforward, ultimately proves to be something of a trap. The example uses the supportsService method to check whether the TextElement is a paragraph or a table. the property is unclear. Note: If a ResultSet is a SCROLL_INSENSITIVE or SCROLL_SENSITIVE type, it supports a whole range of methods for navigation in the stock of data. The bars can be stacked ( The easiest way to change a variable from one type to another is to use an assignment. Value of 0, the SDBC components from LibreOffice is particularly effective when used in conjunction with regular.! Corresponding drawing level of the data field contains several variables, which is also used for replacing does not executable... Object called Dlg that references the associated dialog specifies a delay of 2 seconds as! 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