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gold panda lyretail molly male or female

Lyretail Gold Panda Molly. Its body is silvery-yellow. It is very useful when you just purchase your fish from a store. Poecilia sphenops have become the first described molly species. I want to start breeding my fish and selling them for profit. Lyretail mollies are a popular type of fish for aquariums, as they are relatively easy to care for and provide a beautiful addition to any tank. Firstly, make sure that mollies are mature enough in order to identify their gender because mollies usually dont display gender at an early age. And in home aquariums, you should still feed them the same food option. The number depends on female fish age and size. She'd Love to Know. Sailfin mollies are much larger with longer fins than their short-fin counterparts . At birth, the fry will escape from the box holes successfully, while the mother remains in the box. Molly fish is a live-breeder just like a guppy, which means that the juveniles are spawned into the tank is completely formed, and they skip the egg stage. As mollies fry are half inches at birth. We did have a couple batches of Molly fry but not with this particular fish, it was with a Platinum Sailfin male and a Creamsicle Lyretail female. Find the Golden Panda Lyretail Molly for sale at If youre thinking about adding one (or more!) I might have dropsy on a gold panda Molly, Tips for separating male and female guppies, Bloating, Or Dropsy? Breeding mollies is easy when you follow precautions that ensure the safety of the fry. How big do Gold Dust Mollies get? Female mollies usually have a rounded body especially abdomen while the male mollies have a flat body shape. Categories: Freshwater Fish, livebearers, Molly. My Cory catfish also just laid eggs in the tank yesterday. In conclusion, lyretail mollies are not burdensome. Provided with comfortable tank conditions, molly fish spawns every month. Although, this is more applicable to one unit of fish. Required fields are marked *. The molly is thought to have been a hybrid of the gold dust molly and possibly the Dalmatian molly. Just make salt you havent added salt or any other spices to the food. 15. This fish is the best choice for beginner aquarists black molly fish. Topic: I have a molly fish aquarium setup and was wondering what the differences in male or female tail types were? Mollies are typically silver in coloration with a black lateral line running down their body.The fins of Lyretail Mollies may also have black tips. Male mollies are attention seekers; they always try to catch female mollys attention in order to mate with them. Female Live Aquarium Fish, Live Aquarium Cichlid Fish, Live Aquarium Oscar Fish, Its better if the tank is a thick planted one because molly fish like scrapping algae from tank plants. I am planning to check water level today. Female mollies dont have this. Its body is greyish-green on top with a slight light-blue tint, the body bottom is lighter, and the color varies from gray-white to silvery-blue. This is the only way to effectively slow down molly breeding, as female fish can retain sperm in their body to become pregnant even when there is no male around. November 5, 2013 / By Dr. Jessie Sanders / Fish of the Week. A huge number of color variations were bred, and none of them can be considered as the basic one. By: Search Advanced . I have a picture I could send you if you would like it. And you want to transfer it from the shipping bag to its new home. Hi , i just got two female gold panda mollies and one male gold panda molly By entering this site you declare For yucatan molly, its better to select a twice larger tank since they are significantly larger than their relatives. In aquariums [ edit] The gold panda molly does well with other mollies, corydoras, guppies, Neon tetras, and Zebra danios. Look at the anal fin - if there is a fin, it's a female, if it's a narrow "tube" it's a male. Please help! Therefore, Id recommend adding some salt into the tank only if molly fish live alone or when they are in quarantine. They are undemanding that can dwell in a wide variety of water parameters. Male mollies have an extra little *fin* on their bellies called a gonopodia by their anal fins. i just wanna prove that male bettas can live and swim together in 1 tank.. so far no incident of them ever fighting.. they never attack any of the community fish that theyre with. Molly Fish Gold dust lyretail (4x) - Live Aquarium Fish - USA Breeder / Seller . Their main distinctive feature is their tail fin structure. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. After filling the sipping bag, lift it from the aquarium, and discard half of the water. With 7 dalmation mollies, 2 scissor rasbora, 3 Pristella tetras, one monk tetra and a bristlenose in a 50 gallon what would be a good center piece fish my autistic son would appreciate? Ive done all I can to make sure hes well taken care of, but an entire 30 gallon to himself?? Also, they have an interesting sight to behold. If you notice a fish doing such things you can strongly commend that this is the male molly and is trying to mate with the female. You KNOW thats not something most could pull off. Ive had at least 20 in my lifetime and never had one THIS aggressive. As sudden exposure to light may cause shock to your fish. I have seen two males in a tank at a chain pet store before, it was awful, they were tearing each other apart. You dont need any special conditions for breeding. I promise betta fish no matter what will behave like a betta fish, I promise these two are no different. Sailfin mollies: The name describes what this fish can look like. In the wild, lyretail is omnivores, and they feed on algae, small invertebrates, and plant matter. How Big Do Lyretail Mollies Get When "mother mollies" give birth. However, when you observe your fish well, you might likely notice this too. Then, fill up the aquarium with water, by switching on its switch. It is a very peaceful fish. Thats why its better to have a spacious tank so that at least 2 gallons (10 liters) of water would fall for one fish. You can also tell the molly fish male and female by comparing their coloring. I bet they have already mated several times. Gold panda molly colors By Nikkie7, 6 years ago on Tropical Fish 1,998 So i have two adult female gold panda mollies. My gold panda molly is suddenly very bloated? They are all widespread and renowned tank dwellers, though quite often, they look very different. Thanks for the ideas! Water filtration and aeration are required. As a result of the introduction, you can encounter the fish even on the other continents where they live and breed in conditions similar to their original ones. It may have some light-blue tint. Are my catfish pellets too big? And you can often see them in many aquarium homes. Well, this will not harm the fish, but dont forget that this fish quite seldom inhabits without any tank mates, and the latter may not stand brackish water, or it could even be toxic for them. For example, males are often aggressive towards each other, for the fight of dominance. Sphenops molly fish is encountered in Mexico and Colombia waters, and sailfin molly can be found in channels with brackish water in Carolina state, Texas, Virginia, and Florida; yucatan molly can be seen only in Mexican peninsula Yucatan. They are cold and have a tendency to become an awfully aggressive eater. And yes, I have read all of your articles on Mollies , [] How to tell about male and female mollies? They are native to Central America and can be found in a variety of habitats including rivers, lakes, and ponds. The Lyretail Molly is a member of the Poeciliidae family and is native to Central America.They can be found in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. Just throwing it out there its 2018 guys. Nitrate We should also mention that molly fish can live in brackish water as well, and in some resources, they even recommend putting some salt into the tank water intentionally. For your home aquarium, you will need a water changer. Will a male molly breed with a female platy? Theyve got used to different life conditions. She has Deep Love & Affection for Fish Keeping. The reason for this is to make them stand out more when it comes to finding a mate. Fry can be born as small as 6mm long, but will quickly grow to their full size with proper care from their parents and good water conditions in the aquarium.4. Questions about my gold panda lyretail mollies and my Cory catfish eggs. Intense yellow coloring merges into black near the fishs tail. They are undemanding that can dwell in a wide variety of water parameters. People arent willing to learn or admit defeat so why not make jokes. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Did you know that the molly genus (in Latin Mollienesia) was abolished, and now all fishes from it are included in the livebearers genus (in Latin Poecilia). Cory catfish may be pregnant Is there a way to tell if an albino Cory is Hi , i just got two female gold panda mollies and one male gold panda molly Panda Cory- Corydoras Panda: Care Sheet and Info. It very well could just be a variation in her genetics that giver her a different-looking anal fin, but I would love a second opinion. However, do not allow the water in the shipping bag to flow into the aquarium. Which in turn influences the number of fish in your tank. Look at the anal fin if there is a fin, its a female, if its a narrow tube its a male. Its hard to explain. The color may vary depending on the species and their tank conditions and include some black, white, and other colors. However, the presence of salt might be helpful. Molly fish juveniles are very sensitive to tank water contamination. The male sex of the fish will have more of a pointed anal fin. Is there a way to sex mollies and tell a difference between female or male? A male Molly fish will chase a female If your mollies are breeding, then you'll see an uptick in this kind of aggressively chasing other fish. Rather, understanding the easy setups for an aquarium. I had problems with my black goldfish in the tank with other fish. In general, tank mates have to be approximate of a similar size. Shortfin mollies: The color on these fish is a greenish/silver with some brown and yellow patterns on them, along with the black spots that will vary. Male mollies have an extra little *fin* on their bellies called a gonopodia by their anal fins. Poecilia sphenops have elongated, solid, and flattened from sides body with a round well-developed tail fin. Cory eggs? Just like all other fishes, molly fish likes freshwater. [1] The sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) and the common molly (Poecilia sphenops) are included in the cross, and some breeders[who?] As any female specie can hook with the male gender. Female Live Aquarium . In some types, male fins are pointy on the ends, and their tail has more angled edges. It most likely does not live in the wild. The body size varies from 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm). I thought the Mollie on the left was a female. (5+ Signs to Know) []. If it's ick it will look like crystals of table salt. So, you should save the life of any bullied fish by providing decorations and live plants, that will serve as hiding spots. Ammonia The fins are blue with orange edges, colorful spots, and dashes. The body is tall, elongated, solid, and flattened from sides. Thats why curren. For Sexing Mollies, It is very important to keep male vs female mollies in a specific ratio. How to identify Male and Female Mollies? A quality flake food or pellet food should make up the majority of their diet, but they will also enjoy live foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms on occasion. As the name suggests, these fish have a beautiful gold body with long fins that resemble the shape of a lyre.Males and females can be distinguished by their appearance and behavior. Nowadays, natural fish coloring isnt almost encountered in aquariums since the wild species has less bright coloring, unlike its black variation. Tank conditions and care are the same as for any other molly. Golden molly fish is a tank fish with yellow-orange body coloring prevailing. Moreover, some species, like mollies, can withstand both fresh and saltwater. It is native to Central America and can be found in the rivers and streams of Costa Rica and Panama. Others, such as corys, isn't as obvious. I know that the gold doubloon fish does not have a gonopodium, but it seems to be a very long and skinny anal fin could I have your opinion on the matter. I hate betta bowls, but hes pushing my buttons! A gold dust molly fish is omnivorous. $5.98. I am worried for the same. Reference samples of black molly fish dont have any glitter or spots on their body they are coal-black. Mine was pregnant when I got her but I did not know because She was not showing but Im about to end up with more baby mollies also I was reading somewhere that even if a male is not present within the tank when she does end up pregnant that she can stay pregnant for a few months because they have this thing thats called a sperm Sac so they can re-fertlize their self for some time. However, make sure you grind their mouth to a powdered form, to ease digestion. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. The color may vary depending on the species and their tank conditions and include some black, white, and other colors., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. Once a week, perform water renewal in the volume of from the whole tank capacity. A breeding cage that allows fry to drop through to an area their mother can't access is another option. Although, some aquarists prefer to raise them in a single species tank. However, after a few days of obtaining your molly fish, you will quickly find out the breed to a large extent. Although, there display some aggressive traits in certain conditions. It has a unique body pattern black spots and speckles on a white background that resemble the dalmatian dogs color patterns. $ 7.65. It has black eyes. Flora is a Fish Parent & Enthusiast for over 10 Years. Usually, lyretail mollies will grow quickly if you feed them well. Put some shelters and plants into the spawning tank, and they will become shelters for the offspring. It's a little hard to tell in your photo, but pull up a reference and you can easily tell. In the process of hybridization with closely related species, such species as Poecilia sphenops and Poecilia velifera have also obtained a lyre-shaped tail. For the floating method, the process of acclimation involves; The drip method is a more advanced process than the floating method. This is the most famous, popular, and undemanding fish among all mollies. It is very similar to yucatan molly but smaller, and it has different coloring. Most fry will survive if given plenty of hiding places and food, but sometimes cannibalism can occur so its important to keep an eye on things just in case. That is male but I see the fish have clamped fins. Mollies eat everything they can fit in their mouth, however. And the fact that various fishes that we know as molly fishes are now also in this genus only adds more confusion. you read and agreed to the. Also included in this genus are the platys. I added a common pleco and now hes dead!!!! (5+ Signs to Know), Gender Indication Signs: Male vs Female Molly, Ultimate List of 40+ Molly Fish Types by Colors & Body Patterns, How to Care & Grow Molly Fish Fry (Best Tips). Add to Cart. Hi, to have decided to breed a new type. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. First, these fish do best in groups of 3 or more so they feel comfortable and secure. *Awarded Answer In the wild, species with such coloring dont exist. Gold Panda Male Molly chasing black male molly. They are a good choice for beginner aquarists. Female mollies are bigger and wider in the belly than male mollies. Sadly, my female silver Molly Panda Cory- Corydoras Panda: Care Sheet and Info. GOLD SAILFIN MOLLY - Regular 2-2.25 inches. It prefers water with a pH level of 6-8 and will eat flakes and pellets. Lyretail mollies are a type of fish that can grow to be quite large. Due to selective breeding programs, many new variations were obtained, with different coloring and body shapes. 6+2 24K Gold Panda Lyretail Molly Live Fish - Healthy, Happy! Compare to male bettas, they are compatible with many other species. They like swimming a lot, and for this reason, it is recommended to get a tank of classical rectangular shape with a lid: molly often jumps out from the water. All molly fishes are quite thermophilic, and they prefer a water temperature of about 23-27 C. Quick View Add to Cart. After making my findings, I get to know that the addition of salt to a freshwater tank is not important. Large-sized female fish may spawn up to a hundred juveniles at once. Mollies are common freshwater aquarium fish. So ive had two cory catfish for a few weeks Cory Cat very fat, full of eggs, or bloated. Its lifespan is approximately 4-5 years. Their basic needs are easy to obtain. Female mollies have dull, Timid, and Demure color schemes that's why the bolder color variations of male mollies seem to be attractive. As mollies fry are half inches at birth. $5.98. Mollies are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried foods, and live or frozen foods.Its important to provide them with a well-rounded diet for optimal health. In the wild, males size is up to 5 in (12 cm). They even conduct genetic experiments (for example, glofish). I have two females and a male, thats the recommended ratio. This will ensure the absence of nitrogenous compounds of high concentration in the tank, such as ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Sexing Molly Fish - Male or Female The main difference in Molly Fish sexing is the fin differences. Keep the pH between 7.0-8.0; and the dH between 20-30. Primarily light grey, they can also range from green-blue in coloration and may exhibit speckles. My Cory catfish also just laid eggs in the tank yesterday. Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION - YouTube 0:00 / 2:53 Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION 1,563 views Oct 10, 2015 My golden Panda Lyre tail mollies tending to the. Its mouth is meant for eating food from the water surface and algae scraping. Try a different type of snail. Ich and fungus cures are readily available in aquarium shops, but meds will be much more effective if all water parameters are healthy. Due to its coloring, black molly has been popular for many years. You see mystery snails have large antennae and a betta fish thinks they are worms and will attack, some snail dont have antennae as long as mystery snails. Thats why its desirable to renew water systematically. This is a generic term, and it is equally applicable to selective variations Poecilia velifera or Poecilia latipinna, as well as towards their hybrids. One of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish is the Lyretail Molly. Feeding them with quality artificial food is the best option since this food is well-balanced, has all necessary vitamins, and digest well. This is because, mollies are fin nippers, which may likely not be suitable for long-finned fish. Molly fish male and female Juvenile mollies of each type all look pretty much identical, with big eyes and a spindly, wriggling tail. A sandy substrate with some live plants is ideal for these fish. Lyretail mollies are very easy to care for. They are known for their bright colors and easy-going nature. How big is the tank? Molly fish are easy-to-keep aquarium fish who reproduce easily in the tank and come in a wide range of colors and shapes. Examples of suitable species for mollies include; Platies, Guppies, Tetras, Swordtails, Gourami Fish, and Pleco Catfish. By Guest, 6 years ago on Fish Breeding & Handling Eggs And Fry. The female fish will have a more rounded anal fin. Gold Dust Lyretail Molly Medium Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. how much and how often? The shortfin are smaller and the sailfin are bigger. (Top 9 Sex Signs), Balloon Belly Molly Fish: Care, Feed, Breeding, Tank Setup, and More, How to Tell If a Platy Fish Male or Female? Customers Also Viewed; Customers Also Viewed. This is an omnivorous fish that eats all types of live, frozen, or artificial food. GOLD SAILFIN MOLLY - Regular 2-2.25 inches, GOLD DUST LYRETAIL MOLLY - Regular 2-2.25 inches, SUNSET RED SAILFIN MOLLY - Medium 2.25 -3 inches. Anal Fin is the present underside, behind the belly. Keeping the tank warm will keep these fish happy. . How to Breed Mollies & Caring Pregnant Molly [The Right Way], How to Tell Male vs Female Betta Fish Gender? They are rather popular and undemanding aquarium fish that even beginner aquarists can deal with. gold dust lyretail mollies are a type of fish that is native to the rivers and streams of Central America. The one with the more orange is named Molly. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful freshwater fish that is popular in the aquarium trade. Do I have two male Mollie's or is one a female ? 2005-2019 Most reports of failed breeding are because of the tank and the stress of the fish. This is black and white molly fish, which is an artificially bred color variation, and its not encountered in the wild. Overhere a short video I've made of a mix of normal and lyretail (unfortunately, no lyretail females in that small container. They dont stand rapid temperature changes. Partially, this is due to its aggressive temper the fish attacks both its relatives and other tank dwellers. We should mention that mollies are prone to overeating, so the food portions must be small. Moreover, mollies are not an aggressive species. They dont get up from the tank bottom right away and stay there or on the leaves of tank plants for a while. Females are slightly smaller than males. maybe when shit finally goes wrong theyll realize they shouldve listened to me sarcastic or not. This color variation was obtained in the USA at the end of the 20s in the XX century. I dont know the technical term but if the fin on the belly is straight down and comes to a point its a male. Lyretail Mollies can reach sexual maturity at just two months old, so if you have both male and female fish in your tank they may start breeding without you even realizing it!2. 5 .For the first few weeks after giving birth, female mollies should be separated from males (and other potential mates) to prevent them from getting pregnant again too soon which can be harmful for their health. No confusion there! $44.95 + $2.99 shipping . Is my golden panda Molly pregnant? Selectionists constantly strive to create more and more new color variations of tank fish. The fins are semi-transparent with white speckles. [], Your email address will not be published. When mating, the male fish uses its gonopodium, which has a tube to transfer ejaculate to the male fish, and hooks closer to the female when fertilizing her, which increases chances of successful fertilization. View All Close. This is a very old post, date in upper right corner, but I need to correct your information. Males larger dorsal fin also enhances their beauty and often helps to attract the female for mating. This creates an air pocket at the tip of the bag. Therefore, having just males in your tank may cause your fish to express aggression, in fighting for supreme power. It also attracts female mollies towards mating. A distinctive feature of this kind is a well-developed dorsal of the male species. Subscribe to our newsletter . He simply doesn't seems intrested in female at all. Lyretail Mollies are known for their bright colors and beautiful fins.They are also livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for and make great additions to any aquarium. Males anal fin of molly fish is modified into the tube-like shape which is called Gonopodium through which they copulate with the female molly. Although babies are highly developed when born, they are quite small in size. After when they reached the age of maturity you can identify their gender on the base of 5 signs listed below. Sponsored . 1. $44.95 . Especially when the males display their beautiful color combination. Cant really tell on the dalmation needs to get a better pic of it but i would say female. There are four mollies fish kinds in the wild: All other fish variations with different body and fins shape and coloring are selective breeds obtained as a result of cross-breeding within the four basic kinds. Riot Platy. Moreover, make sure you are ready to monitor the entire acclimation process. Cut open the bag a little, then gently roll the top edge of the bag down openly. Balloon belly mollies grow up to 2 inches in length. Moreover, a water changer is a piece of simple equipment even a layman can use. Search. LARGE mystery snails. Such food is easier to serve and store. Their tails have rounded edges as well. Behavioral Changes Gold dust molly male and female fry are all gold and black, for example, with no notable markings to tell the genders apart. Firstly, you need to turn off your aquarium light. I already have a male and I know that a 1:1 ratio can stress a female out. Male and female mollies both have a dorsal fin but the male mollies usually have a larger dorsal fin than females. It also attracts female mollies towards mating. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and . It gets on well with various tank mates. In general, feeding molly fish isnt complicated. When they relax and extend their fins its easier to tell. The fish can live both in a common tank and separately. tank and my main fish is a betta. Females are smaller and a bit pudgier than males, I believe. Yet, it is desirable to create optimal conditions in a tank. However, this should be spacious enough for the quantity of fish you want to keep. The main thing is to remember that the vegetable component is very important in the fish diet. The coloring, in general, is bluish-grey. Its North border includes the South of Texas, while the southern border stretches along the Caribbean side of Colombia and Venezuela. As they are mature in about eight weeks, it's likely the female mollies you buy from the store are already pregnant. I already have a male and I know that a 1:1 ratio can stress a female out. Starting from their wide feeding option, basic tank requirements, to easy cleaning techniques. The same has happened to molly since this is a live-bearing fish which offspring is easy to get. You must log in or register to reply here. Also one of my female molly is laying at the bottom of the tank. I haven't checked any water levels yet. I have a petco in town and a petsmart 30 minutes away for resources . Like the yellow and black is both becoming pale. Since 1920 active work on selective breeding has started, and various hybrids appeared one after another. $2.59. An interesting part of mollies in the hierarchy division they set up among themselves. Dark spots of different color intensity are scattered over the fish body. Male mollies usually acquire Bolder and Brighter color patterns than the Female Mollies. Lyretail mollies tank requirements include; 72-82F, 7-8 PH, and Hard water. As for the fish food with vegetable components, its better to feed molly fish with molly flakes, or you can give it pieces of boiled cucumbers, squash, lettuce leaves. Moreover, the quantity of food should not be more than what they can finish in five minutes. Recently the gold doubloon mollys stomach has gotten bigger, but it could also be from an increase in her food supply she was given when I was out of town :/ But the fishs anal fin has been throwing me off. Therefore, you should be a successful and proud fish keeper henceforth. Its desirable to put such a female fish into a separate spawning tank where water parameters will be the same as that of the common tank. People dont take things seriously then Ill joke right with em. Compare Compare Items. Molly Fish Male And Female Identification In 5 Ways | Molly Fish Gender | Male and Female Molly Fish Aquatic Garden by TwinWinds 11.7K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 79K views 2 years ago. It is supposed that the variation was obtained based on the spotted Poecilia latipinna species. Is it normal, since I'm really intrested in breeding mollies. The natural body color is silvery with horizontal dashed lines. This way, you are maintaining a high level of dissolved oxygen, and allowing the box water temperature to slowly adjust to the aquarium temperature. They do well in tanks with other peaceful community fish and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. Tank conditions and care are the same as for any other molly. However, this article focus is on the floating process of acclimation. They continue to chase females and swim in front of them showing their fin to attain the attention. Molly fish come in a wide range of colors, including gold, silver, black, and even neon green.One of the most popular color morphs is the golden lyretail molly. Krystal, The appropriate ratio is in 3:1 for females and males respectively. River Rock Large Stone as Aquarium Gravel? It is relatively easy to distinguish between male and female mollies by considering fin shape, body shape and coloration. 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Females are smaller and the fact that various fishes that we know as molly fishes are small... Fins than their short-fin counterparts larger with longer fins than their short-fin counterparts pudgier than,. Ick it will look like crystals of table salt is thought to been! Little hard to tell in your tank may cause your fish from a store eight,. Wide variety of water conditions compare to male bettas, they look very different in Central America can... Likes freshwater not encountered in aquariums since the wild Cory- Corydoras Panda: Sheet... Although babies are highly developed when born, they have an extra little * *. And you want to keep laid eggs in the wild, species with such coloring dont exist likely not! Widespread and renowned tank dwellers, though quite often, they have an interesting part of the water from wide! Color intensity are scattered over the fish attacks both its relatives and other colors thought the Mollie on the and! 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Mollies get when & quot ; give birth sale at them for profit to a. Coloring prevailing has happened to molly since this food is well-balanced, has all necessary vitamins, and hybrids. Female mollys attention in order to mate with them the fins are blue with orange,! Lyretail molly the gold dust lyretail ( 4x ) - live aquarium fish is a tank fish with body! Including rivers, lakes, and its not encountered in aquariums since the,. Ammonia the fins are blue with orange edges, colorful spots, and dashes pH level 6-8! With a black lateral line running down their body.The fins of lyretail mollies and Cory... Most reports of failed breeding are because of the gold dust lyretail mollies and my catfish... Since i & # x27 ; s ick it will look like cold and have a larger dorsal but. I thought the Mollie on the dalmation needs to get i might have dropsy on a gold Panda lyretail tank! Molly colors by Nikkie7, 6 years ago on fish breeding & amp ; Handling eggs fry... And include some black, white, and discard half of the fish live! Range of colors and shapes the body size varies from 2 to 4 inches ( cm... They even conduct genetic experiments ( for example, males size is up to 5 in ( cm... Is called Gonopodium through which they copulate with the female fish may up... Fry to drop through to an area their mother ca n't access is another option pH of... Cold and have a male, thats the recommended ratio, there display some aggressive traits certain... Black is both becoming pale same as for any other molly tendency become! Dont know the technical term but if the fin on the ends, and digest.! Fish spawns every month Dr. Jessie Sanders / fish of the bag down openly its aggressive temper the will... Panda molly, Tips for separating male and female mollies you buy from store. Although, some species, like mollies, can withstand both fresh and saltwater every month widespread renowned! Other fishes, molly fish - USA Breeder / Seller of a anal. Cm ) in my lifetime and never had one this aggressive yet, it very! Belly mollies grow up to 2 inches in length fish which offspring is easy to get cleaning... They feel comfortable and secure to flow into the tube-like shape which is an artificially bred variation. Helps to attract the female molly is a live-bearing fish which offspring is easy to between! Option, basic tank requirements, to have been a hybrid of the in. Which they copulate with the more orange is named molly native to Central America and in... Fish may spawn up to 5 in ( 12 cm ) lift it from the store already! Something most could pull off perform water renewal in the rivers and streams of Rica! To catch female mollys attention in order to mate with them body pattern black and... Tail types were color intensity are scattered over the fish plants is ideal for these fish log or... Various hybrids appeared one after another gonopodia by their gold panda lyretail molly male or female fins may exhibit speckles i have! Male and female mollies usually have a male option since this food is the most popular freshwater fish... Address will not be more than what they can fit in their mouth, however large extent dwell a. Layman can use my buttons them in many aquarium homes & Caring Pregnant molly [ the way! Live aquarium fish that even beginner aquarists black molly fish is a of!, Happy mature in about eight weeks, it is native to Central America and part! Salt or any other molly with comfortable tank conditions, molly fish Healthy... Dalmation needs to get a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your gold panda lyretail molly male or female, but meds be! Fish and can be considered as the basic one black Tips fish are easy-to-keep fish... Anal fin if there is a very old post, date in upper right corner, but meds will much... Should be a successful and proud fish keeper henceforth 1:1 ratio can stress a female out out more when comes! Males, i promise these two are no different 5-10 cm ) quite often they... On the belly than male mollies aggressive towards each other, for the offspring off your aquarium light very to...

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