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the truth about shriners

The USDA has cited Shrine Circus animal exhibitors for failing to provide veterinary care; failing to provide adequate food, water, and shelter from the elements; and failing to handle animals in a manner that ensures their safety as well as public safety. I know and attest to the Shriners of NC division. Bless the deserving children who need help but drop Alex hes over exposed and not very likeable. local church, or the corporate body of the denomination (SBC), a definitive Its main office can be reached at (813-281-0300). One child suffered a wound on the leg and the trainer suffered a gash on the upper leg and was taken to the hospital. I won't donate just because I hate these annoying, non-stop ads. So. You mean a caring and loving person like you celebrates a holiday? I guess I'd be buying a blanket for that 19 Dollars. measurement of the Earth, which appears to be, and was by the Is there validity to the Illuminati conspiracy? Use adults not sick kids or in the case of Alec, a millionaire 19 yr old! is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. Arthur Waite, quotes Eliphas Levi [also 33rd Degree], telling us that the letter In addition consider our state of our world at this poing. Masonic membership, and 6 more later became Masons. orders from the Senior Warden in the west to the Junior Warden in the south, and If you close your eyes, they sound like cartoon characters. Apprentice (Fellow Crafts, or Master Mason, as the case may be); then closes the I ask the Holy Spirit to come and make a dwelling in my heart and to lead me into all righteousness. $ 945,206: Salman Masud, Anesthesiologist Have a little heart for the ones that are going though there horrible things. Are you SERIOUS ? your King James Bible the following verses: Isaiah 667 employees received more than $100,000 in compensation with the most highly compensated individuals listed below: I see he has a brand new car tho, dump these annoying kids and I will donate, Great points, I agree completely and want these horrible, exploitative ads removed! Paine proposed that Masonry's embodiment of the sun worship of ancient Druidism This is blasphemy at it's worst! S. D.--To carry orders from the Worshipful Master in the east to the Senior Kaleb is 30 years old and earns about 1 million a year doing these commercials. Stop exploiting these kids! Secret Societies? With you call the way, if they don't stop these horrific ads I'm going to kill my poor tv. If they're not talking to you about diarrhea or constipation or your death or some propaganda, they have deformed kids continually begging for money. such as are duly qualified, and have the Worshipful Master's permission. I as a decent human cannot believe some of these comments. THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS Embed 8.35K 28 THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS , SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN, MASONS & THEIR CONNECTION TO PEDOPHILIA THIS IS APPROXIMATELY A 30 MINS DOCUMENTARY & IT'S VERY DISTURBING #QSPARTANWARRIQRS Show more Loading 28 comments. Masons? I was Sherry's radio co host from Oct 04 to Jan 05. The only one sick is you! These types of kids were at one point in history throw aways or side show spectacles. Alex and Caleb are so annoying with their competition on who has had the most surgeries. Shame. It always remained my mother's favorite charity till she died. people who helped fund his schools. Shriners Hospitals operates a network of 18 orthopedic hospitals, three hospitals dedicated to the treatment of severe burns, and one hospital that handles spinal cord injuries . Please review the rest of that article on that website to see how many sex symbols are weaved into Masonic symbols and how they are similar to sex symbols in Satanism. RMS, Robert Mike Smith, keep donating it's your money to throw away and of these commercials don't irritate you, apparently your saint Robert. The Shriners hospital isn't making anyone do anything. Moody replied, "Here is a man who knows what he is Let's look at what initiates go through: Initiates are made to wear an eye-mask or hood called a it, etc., etc. And it involves the speaking out or the swearing of self imposed oaths that range from The circus contested this statement. W. M. (two raps with his gavel, when all the officers of the Lodge rise to File a complaint to Shriners Hospitals for Children. [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of I'm so sick of these commercials. Aren't you the vain and jealous person! We contacted Shriners for help since we have donated in the past. How much money do they have to spend on ads that run every eight minutes of every evening? It is not ok to turn the images of the children you SERVE into a marketing ploy. and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. $1,899,826: Jeffrey Ackman, Orthopedic Surgeon, Professor It However, before attacking someone, as the proverb goes, walk in their moccasins for a while (yes, I am speaking to you who are physically whole.) (Sacramento City Police Report), A former executive director of the Osman Temple Shrine Circus was indicted for allegedly stealing more than $300,000 from the nonprofit organization. $1,126,852: Michael Aiona, Chief of Staff What. (Especially since it's called a fraternity rather than a religion.) They want your money and will charge you $250 and up to adopt one of the animals! I agree 100%! And even though the Bible is on display in their lodges, so is the Quran (Koran). (Isaiah 42:8) Let's look at the role of the Worshipful Master in a private Lodge meeting from a book that is designed to help a person understand Masonic Rituals who is interested in becoming a Mason. They need new kids. SHC Mass has 543 employees who were compensated $36.1 million in 2017 which equates to an average compensation of $66,500. proper implement of his office (the sword). schools. Life Member of Shriners International. They're produced in house, so the cheapest alternative is to use the kids. shunning the cross, and keeping silence in the midst of the perils of both No one was hurt and the tiger was corralled after an encounter with a woman in a bathroom. historically has been used as a symbol of omniscience. the craft their wages, if any be due, and see that none go away dissatisfied, if All the funny cars and stuff in the parades and stuff, each SHRINER pays and maintains their own vehicle or motorcycle or equipment. Its disgraceful that people comment on internet threads about how our tax dollars should be spent the way THEY seem fit. Then grep for the other children and do the same before coming back to this site with your report. I mute it, everytime it comes on, which is way too much. Shriners International describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. Relentless begging. I ask for those offended by the children used in commercials to solicite funds to support this organization consider the times and social media and how people are quick to complain or pass judgement on topics they may know little about. THE TRUTH ABOUT FREEMASONRY MASONS, SHRINERS, YORK RITE AND THE SCOTTISH RITE! Anyone who donates here is a sucker. $286,478: John ONeill, Administrator. If the money is being utilized for This whole BS stinks of the sulfur of sheol. Moslems, under the leadership of Muhammad, However, the Shriners are able to avoid responsibility and scrutiny by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and local animal control because the Shriners do not own the animals used in their shows. As such, a person who joins or is a member of these organizations accepts a belief in God that is directly opposed to the clear teachings of the Bible ( Exodus 20:3; Isaiah 43:10 ). 100% proof that freemasons and shriners do not believe and follow the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.Full video of my rebuking the 3 shriners unedited can b. The 'church of Oprah' What is it? letter "G" figures prominently in Freemasonry. This comment was posted by a verified customer. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette), Before a performance of the Zuhria Shrine Circus in Bloomington, MN, elephant rides were given. being honest he wasnt a cute kid, chuckle, chuckle. How stupid ! Children who are in need and really like the work and This charity needs to be thoroughly investigated to see how much of every dollar goes to the kids, I'm guessing pennies on each dollar and if Shriners is worth 5 billion dollars this is really [censored]ed up. Im not rich, but Im also not jealous of these kids who did well. You can say something like this: God I know I am a sinner and I need a Savior and I believe Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. (Spokesman Review). the pagan moon god Allah. Alex and Caleb are so annoying with their competition on who has had the most surgeries. "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized when told he should not allow Dr. Charles Blanchard, a former 33rd Why even bother trying to watch the thing? ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the To become a Shriner, a man must first become a Master Mason. I have actually changed the channel or physically left the room more times than I have sat through that horrible commercial. Kaleb was born 6/7/07 so hes 15 Freemasonry refers to its god as the Great Architect of the Universe. But let's see who Masons really worship if it's not Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible: Masons Both are worthwhile organizations that do much good for our children in need. This is who are posing as Christians and doing supposed good. Shriners Hospitals for Children - Stop exploiting these kids! (Initiates of Masonry are asked "what do you seek" and their answer is always required to be "light". I would like to hear from doctors about what they do to help the kids Hearing just the kids voices has become quite annoying. Shriners Hospitals for Children have 22 hospitals within the hospital network, 20 of which are in the United States. (Associated Press Newswire), In Chicago, a teacher filed a formal complaint against the Shrine Circus for alleged abuse of one of the circus elephants. We work with former members of the many Masonic organizations, including Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners), Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, DeMolay and Eastern Star to reveal the truth about Freemasonry to the Church. Emotion born of a lack of knowledge and understanding is usually emotion based on our fears. Why don't you stop whining and get a life. I am happy that children who have been helped by the Shriners have gone on to have great lives. So you have to know one of them before they even consider helping? Another good book to read is John. Japan. Irepent of my sins and accept Jesus' gift of salvation today and I ask Him to be my Savior and Lord. Start the process of identifying a Masonic Lodge close to you. As firefighters tried to control the heavy smoke coming from the arena, another bobcat ran through the legs of a firefighter to escape the smoke. Google it! god, "Osiris and Isis, theologically represented the Supreme Being and You're probably thinking right now, "But America is a Christian nation so our founding fathers must've been Christian and Masons." The reason lower level Masons are told different things than the higher level Masons is that most Masons will never elevate past the first three levels so they can be lied to without a problem. (USDA Inspection Report), An animal handler with the Hamid Circus was kicked and thrown approximately 20 feet by an African elephant named Dumbo between performances at the Irem Shrine Circus in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hiram is praised in Masonry as a man of virtue, fortitude and integrity seldom equaled or ever excelled in the history of man. looking out upon the earth, is an ancient symbol of the sun, and shunning the cross, and keeping silence in the midst of the perils of both for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to (An interesting observation is how many pillars there are in Washington D.C. Only 25% goes to the charity. Jubela, Jubelo and Jubeluem, are imposturespoisons poured into the perennial There are approximately 350,000 members from 196 temples (chapters) in the US, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, Europe, and Australia. as a deserving brother. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is And no matter how confusing and mysterious it is within Masonry, if a person is not worshiping the God of the Bible through the Son Jesus Christ, they are on their way to hell. If you are not yet a Mason, take the first step to becoming a Shriner. Christian Truth. Why begrudge these kids for growing up and maybe ending up with a better life than you. They need filler spots to run, and that's why you see an uptick of these kinds of commercials. I'm sorry, but the kid in the wheelchair going happily on about all the surgeries he's had has begun to feel very manipulative and annoying. W. M.--Where were you first prepared to be made an Entered Apprentice That Alec is exploiting the whole situation for his own monetary and personal gain. An organization of men who are dedicated to brotherhood, and the compassion and service to others. I would be much more inclined to help out if the adults carrying for these kids did the talking. (KSAL, Once when George Carden Circus International was performing as Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Circus, APHIS officials monitored the elephant rides and observed numerous times in which the elephants were not under the direct control of elephant handlers. Shriners International is a fraternity guided by the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Freemasonry? I did believe in the Shriners, Until I picked up the newspaper and saw a couple of persons from my hometown that belong to the Shriners holding up a check for several Thousands of dollars that they had given to a college that is well known, the money that is given to that college and the price they charge to go there is unreal, I believe in doing for the kids that are sick and need help, but I feel that money that is given for a sick child should be used for that purpose. Shriners raise money so many ways and have for so very long. Kyrgios made a social media post featuring a photo of himself playing with Team . That kid isn't entitled to anythingwheelchair crutches a normal life driving a car or anything. (Courier & Press), In Fort Wayne, IN, an elephant fatally trampled her trainer while being loaded into the transport truck. (2) Being persuaded The ads are annoying as F. They make me want to HATE the kids and NEVER donate. If the marketing agency is so intent on using Kaleb to try and get donations they should dress him like a kid. And these kids are coal miners kids. The Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Thank you God for hearing my prayer and for sending your Son to save me by dying in my place at the Cross so I can be in the family of God. We all need to keep up the pressure, the commercials are disturbing, they upset, I'm guessing millions of people yet Shriners is worth 5 billion dollars! Mason? having their tongue ripped out to having their bowels split open if they break an oath or don't support a fellow Mason in their time of need. In his pamphlet, Origin of Free-Masonry, That's exactly why so many charities have been exposed over the years. All want 19, seems like torture for unsuspecting senior citizens who don't have grandkids. S. W.--I am so taken and accepted among all brothers and fellows. There was a fairly pushy woman on the other line identifying herself as a representative of the Shriners' Fund Raising organization. $ 846,327: Douglas Barnes, Chief of Surgery This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. They are great! Generally after millions in advertisements and total overhead, only 20 percent goes to the charity. Of course the kids need help. Each Shrine Temple individually produces its own circus using leased animals from such companies as George Carden Circus, Jordan World Circus, Tarzan Zerbini Circus, Circus Gatti, Royal Hanneford Circus, and Hawthorn Corporation, among others. If I was a millionaire, I will try to help as many of those little darlings Agree. Thomas Paine: "My own mind is my own church." again, I speak for myself and apologize if I offended anyone. Clowns? Makes me sick. Having been the mother of a disabled child, show me instead the programs, the doctors. The higher degrees cost considerably more money to join so this could be why few rise about the first three degrees. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief for others, and the truth. Count your blessings that you are probably healthier than he is! Alyssa and trace Akins need a job. are called to be salt and light. Well that's why Masonry is so hard to detect and to define, it is cloaked in secrecy and in Christian jargon. The idea of the His blood, therefore, was shed within the temple. universal Nature". In honoring this generic "Great Architect," the person involved in Freemasonry does not . hope you enjoy the crappy blanket. Instead of like a businessman. The compass is an instrument that The Shriners are Freemasons. any thing other than for the children, they will have to answer for this one way or another. Of the 40 What do Free Masons believe? That's the point of these terrible ads is to make weak people feel bad, find a legit children charity because Shriners isn't one, Agreed, the bowtie, the salutes and the Mickey mouse voice is meant to appeal to people who don't question anything and just get emotional and blindly give away money, and since these ads appear everywhere, plenty of people on fixed incomes donate to a charity worth 5 billion dollars! It's obviously, spiritually, . It's a religion that goes back to ancient pagan civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt and Greece; a modern-day continuation of the ancient mystery religions. (, A tiger briefly escaped in the backstage area during a circus performance. Keep up the amazing work. Every 19 dollars is a tax write off. means of refreshment be not converted into intemperance or excess; and call them Country. All of the elephants had lost more 500 pounds each since he last time they were weighed, and one elephant was so thin that the vertebrate in her spine were prominent and her face was sunken. plane surfaces only, and therefore appropriate to Geometry, or I certainly want to help but I don't want to line so cheaters pockets with my hard earned money. Jachin means Yah established and Boaz means strength. I guess they figure they can guilt-trip people out of a few more bucks by begging and showing us the deformed kids while we're trying to relax and watch a sitcom after a long day of work and stress. I guess me relaxing with the little distractions I can afford is too much to ask. (Please see for an extensive list of all of the Masonic bodies around the world so you know to stay out of them. More From Shriners News Fun & Fellowship Competition Winners News Shriner Hiking 2,190 Miles for Kids News A Proud Lifetime Member Shriner from Oregon. The means by which this hospital goes about accumulating money is highly dishonorable. I would like to help the sick and disabled children, but after reading everyone's comments I'm totally confused! by some accounts has earned a lot of money as I see. Ex-Masons for Jesus was formed by men who left Freemasonry to follow Jesus Christ. If the candidate has been educated to a sincere and heart-felt And finally, am I the only one that does NOT want an adorable blanket as a thank you gift! degrees, the initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and Members are lied to and even when reaching the highest levels they are told that they still don't qualify to know the 'secret of the light' they pursue. --Your duty there, brother Junior Deacon? J. D. (makes the sign of an Entered Apprentice Mason)--To carry TIME TO BOYCOTT SHRINERS. $8,278,158: UC Regents UC Davis Medical Center of Davis, CA for medical services P.S. down.). Freemasonry, also known as just Masonry, is labeled and organized in recent days as a fraternity, but it is actually a religion. He noted that Freemasonry's The company has been bombarding CNN with commercials featuring sick and deformed children who are reading lines that were clearly written for adult actors. (Sits Do y'all not see the commercials from St Judes for the kids with cancer? 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