They banded together with neighbours and friends to help each other through the tough times but they also had great concerns for their livestock. I therefore did not evacuate, as I felt safer at home (V-E). The disruptions started over an initial period of six days in April 2010. Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull (pronounced "AY-yah-fyah . So called 'low' ash concentrations were deemed to be defined as <2-4 mg/m3. Europe experienced air travel chaos for almost one month as much of the continent ground to a standstill. Officials had, however, explained the need for a broad evacuation order even for areas that are safe from jkulhlaup hazards. Solid red vertical line indicates timing of Icelands financial crash in 2008. Exact figures on how many people evacuated during both phases are also not available. This person believed that the evacuation was necessary and that people should evacuate. . It is therefore not surprising that half the respondents reported hearing about the eruption via a family member, friend or neighbour. The Restless Earth Case Studies. In: Fearnley CJ, Bird DK, Haynes K, Mcguire WJ, Jolly G (eds) Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication. Slheimar lies within the southern jkulhlaup hazard zone for a Katla eruption and during the Eyjafjallajkull summit eruption they were impacted by considerable ash fall and loud sound blasts. Most of the survivors evacuated to the neighboring towns and villages, but the community of . It is a small community. There is also economic change occurring with respect to peoples livelihoods. Its more like Hekla erupting. Population numbers in Mrdalshreppur, Skaftrhreppur and Rangring eystrathe municipalities impacted by the Eyjafjallajkull eruptionhave been fairly consistent, with a total number of 2772, 2710 and 2769 recorded in 2000, 2008 and 2016, respectively. Please note, the questionnaire did not specifically ask respondents whether or not they received information from a sweeper. Considering future response in this region is important given Katla is renowned as one of Iceland's most dangerous volcanoes due to its potential to produce catastrophic jkulhlaup (>100,000. Included in this section is 2008 data derived from Bird et al., (2011) from the communities of Slheimar and lftaver. Extreme Peril - 2010 Mt- St- Helen's Eruption was released on: USA: 11 March 2010 When did the volcano eruption happen in montserrat? This evacuation could be listed as disorganised (A-E). Palgrave Commun 4, 151 (2018). I would like to see more emphasis on this, like volcanic activity, geothermal, everything geography in Iceland because were having the tourists now [But] we have our children who are not finding out about those things. The former two incorporate the qualitative results mixed with verbatim quotes from the 2010 and 2016 interviews and open responses given in the 2010 questionnaire. And despite the clarity of the prescribed action to evacuate, some residents received conflicting information regarding the location of their designated centre. 0.0 / 5. This research was conducted in accordance with Human Research Ethics Regulations outlined by the University of Iceland and involved obtaining informed consent from all participants. I dont think that anyone around here was afraid. They registered in and out of the area. Health effects inlcude respiratory problems, eye problems, and skin irritiation. With a changing population, exponential growth in tourism and a volcanic eruption on average every 34 years, disaster risk research is of critical importance. To view a copy of this license, visit Aust J Emerg Manag 15:5863, Paton D, Smith L, Daly M, Johnston D (2008) Risk perception and volcanic hazard mitigation: individual and social perspectives. Cite this article. The IVATF included representatives from government and industry groups involved in aviation regulation, operations, and scientific investigations. Households in Austur-Eyjafjll were required to evacuate due to jkulhlaup hazard during the flank and summit eruptions in Eyjafjallajkull. They said we feel safe at home because we know you are watching us (O). Each household was visited at least twice during the day. They called me and said a farmer reported a fire in the glacier, I didnt quite believe it Veurstofa [the Icelandic Meteorological Office] didnt see anything. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Sigfsdttir ID, Thorlindsson T, Kristjnsson L, Roe KM, Allegrante JP (2009) Substance use prevention for adolescents: the Icelandic Model. Exactly ten years ago, on the 15th of April 2010, the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland had caused European airspace to come to a standstill. However, 14 households were unavailable during the interview and questionnaire dissemination period, which was conducted over 10 days in August 2010. 1). The approximate 700 residents that evacuated were allowed to return to their homes when the eruption was confirmed in the flank of the volcano and not under the glacier. And more times than not, their interest is volcanoes as they remember the 2010 eruption in the summit of Eyjafjallajkull. It is apparent that this trust has stemmed from open, regular and transparent communication well before and throughout the Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. Farming has traditionally been the main livelihood in Icelands South region. During these events this area was impacted by jkulhlaup, ash fall, lightning, loud sound blasts and rock fall. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Nevertheless, as Brint (2001; p. 9) highlights, a sense of security in the face of disliked others is deeply characteristic of communal relations. The authors declare no competing interests. This undermines decision making processes . (7 marks) That is, they may be unable to perceive worse impacts from a different scenario than that theyve already experienced (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973). However, experience of an event, either direct or vicarious, can lead people to expect similar impacts from future events. Specific livelihood details are not available by municipality, i.e., Statistics Iceland only provides aggregated data from the capital region and outside the capital region. While 2010 respondents believed it is more likely a Katla eruption will occur in the next 10 years, they perceived less damage would occur particularly in relation to their property (Fig. Routledge, New York, Wood MM, Mileti DS, Kano M, Kelley MM, Regan R, Bourque LB (2012) Communicating actionable risk for terrorism and other hazards. The 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano had a huge impact on air travel, changing the assessment of risk by the aviation sector and catalyzing new lines of scientific investigation. They could put more effort in it. Also in response to Eyjafjallajkull's impact on air travel, ICAO formed the International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) in May 2010, charging it to examine how best to define hazardous airspace and manage aviation risk. Follow-up interviews were conducted in 2016 with the Chief of Police, the Chief Superintendent, the head of Rangring eystra and two local residents who operated both farming and tourism businesses. Accessed 14 Apr 2018, Strahan K, Whittaker J, Handmer J (2018) Self-evacuation archetypes in Australian bushfire. In relation to the amalgamation and the timing of the 2006 evacuation exercise, one of the rescue team members from the 2010 interviews stated: The time for the evacuation exercises in 2006 was not logical because it had been decided that the police districts would be joined here in the south. And I have the same feeling about Katla (A-E). Exact figures on how many people were supposed to evacuate during both phases of the eruption are not available. None of the respondents had first noticed environmental cues as these were most visible from parts of Fljtshl, which was not included in the study region. J Hazard Mater 75:181194, Article As Bird et al., (2010) found, foreigners are often not aware of the fact that volcanoes lie underneath some of Icelands glaciers and as such, are not aware of jkulhlaup risk nor are they aware of the risk of lightning and poisonous gases. Environmental cues, observed and communicated by farmers in Fljtshl as a fire on top of the mountain, were the first notification that alerted officials and monitoring scientists that an eruption had commenced on 20 March 2010. Published Apr 17, 2020. For me this was at the same time frightening and magnificent. The data presented here clearly shows that the success of the 2010 evacuations, which were a risk mitigation intervention, is no differentfrom the integrated approach employed during the 2005 hazard assessment (Gumundsson and Gylfason, 2005), the 2006 evacuation exercise (Bird et al., 2009b), the 2010 meetings and throughout the 2010 response (Bird et al., 2018), to the South regions communities where neighbours interact relatively frequently due to their beliefs, values and activities. The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due to human research ethics agreements but may be made available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. In April 2010, Eyjafjallajkull, a volcano in southern Iceland, began spewing several kilometres of volcanic ash into the atmosphere.The cloud of ash forced the greatest airspace closure since World War II, cancelling nearly 100,000 flights and disrupting the travel plans of tourists and business travelers alike throughout northern Europe. Youre told to evacuate and you do that. And, it stresses the importance of residents considering the changes in their livelihoods and what that may mean with respect to their vulnerability during a volcanic crisis. Authorities now have the ability to push emergency notifications out to all mobile phones within a designated area of telecommunication towers (pers. However, more respondents acknowledged the necessity of evacuating during the summit eruption (75%) than the flank eruption (54%). The ash plume from the eruption reached as high as 7km into the air, and the glass-rich ash caused major disruptions in air travel. The items of import to this paper are: demographics; impact of the eruptions; receipt of cues and warnings; public response; perceived levels of coping; and, perceptions of the future. Contributions from the Ash Fall Impacts Working Group, Katharine Haynes, Carolina Garcia Londoo and Gurn Ptursdttir are appreciated in relation to the development of the questionnaire. The officials interviewed in 2016 were extremely positive about their relationship with local residents and the trust that residents have in them and the volcanic response plans. It has been relatively quiet since 2010 2010).An interaction between ash and magma led to large volumes of finely comminuted . I was concerned about the horses I found it terrifying and I feared that the ash would [continue to increase in quantity] (). The intense ash-producing eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano in 2010 was the result of an explosive interaction between hot magma and cold glacial melt water. Cogn Psychol 4:207232, Walker P (2018) Kilauea volcano eruption. The volcanoes and districts of Icelands South region. We would be much, much more afraid if somebody told us about the possibility of a huge earthquake in the ocean with the coast with a wave [tsunami]. Ann Glaciol 45:6672, Gudmundsson MT, Thordarson T, Hskuldsson , Larsen G, Bjrnsson H, Prata FJ, Oddsson B, Magnsson E, Hgnadttir T, Petersen GN, Hayward CL, Stevenson JA, Jnsdttir I (2012) Ash generation and distribution from the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajkull, Iceland.
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