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larry jenkins lj entertainment

Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. (t.instagram=!0,"Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? WebLarry Jenkins. Lawrence L. "Larry" Jenkins (January 29, 1924 May 28, 2017) was a B-17 co-pilot during World War II who spent over ten months as a prisoner of war. Why cant I use a non-business (@, @, @, etc.) to see complete work history. Still the Same Ole Me/First Time Live!/One Woman Man/Friends in High Places, A Place at the Table [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack], The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond, Hawaii Five-O [Original Songs from the Television Series], Crazy Heart [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack], Trlich, Trlich (Fr Immer Feuer im Arsch, Klar? He was assigned to the 96th Bomb Squadron stationed at Foggia Italy. businesses, and does affect the Reputation Score. 6357 Forest Edge Dr, Hudson, $820,000 2222 N Hametown Rd, Bath Township, $600,000 2889 Ridgewood Rd, Fairlawn, $600,000 22 Essex Cir, Hudson, $549,900 6004 Stone Rd, Hudson, $525,000 1876 Parker Ln, Twinsburg, $525,000 Among his most memorable roles was a parking garage attendant who goes joyriding in the vintage Ferrari owned by Camerons dad in the 1980s classic Ferris Buellers Day Off, Mark Medoff Dies: Oscar-Nominated 'Children Of A Lesser God' Writer Was 79. "This Year":"All Time"}},getTicks:function(e){if(e)return parseFloat(e.toString().replace(/\D/g,""))},getDuration:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,t=new Date(null);t.setSeconds(e);var r=t.toISOString().substr(11,8),n=r.split(":");return{raw:e,hours:+n[0],minutes:+n[1],seconds:+n[2],formatted:r,formattedTrimmed:r.replace(/^0(?:0:0? I Cant Go For Broke 06. endobj Our friends still talk about how it was the most fun wedding they've ever been to, and how great the music was. )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},a.user={getFileID:function(e){return e.toString().split("").reverse().join("")},getProfileImage:function(e,t,r){var n=e>0? This section can be locked, requiring permission to "For Rent":"For Sale",i="#00b100"):e.listing.sListingStatus.contract?(o=s?"Pending":"Contract",i="#ff7f17"):e.listing.sListingStatus.sold?(o=s? Born on Long Island, NY, in 1955, Jenkins appeared frequently as.a student on the TV show The White Shadow. WebLarry Jenkins is a publicist, and works at L. J. Written contracts may be enforceable, however, under certain conditions this may not be the case. WebB. <>/Metadata 146 0 R/ViewerPreferences 147 0 R>> In 1982, he joined Monumental Life Insurance Company in Baltimore, MD as President, then became CEO and Chairman of the Board. "$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e)):"$".concat((e/1e6).toString(),"M")}}),o=[],i=0;i<=1e4;i+=100)o.push(i);o.push(1e8);var{return{value:e,label:"$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e))}}),l={sale:{min:n.slice(0,-1),max:n.slice(1)},rent:{min:s.slice(0,-1),max:s.slice(1)}};return[]={label:"$5M+",value:1e8},[].label="$10K+",l},getYearBuiltOptions:function(){for(var e=new Date,t=e.getFullYear(),r=[];t>=2014;)r.push(t),t-=1;r=r.concat([2010,2005,2e3,1990,1980,1970,1960,1950,1925,1900]);var{return{value:e,label:e}}),a={min:_toConsumableArray(n).reverse(),max:n};return a.max.unshift({label:"Any",value:3e3}),a.min.unshift({label:"Any",value:0}),a}},a.savedSearches={getSavedSearchUrl:function(e){var,r="",n="";if(e.boundaryEntity){switch(e.boundaryEntity.type_){case"HSAreaItem":n="/p_21,"+e.boundaryEntity.areaID;break;case"HSSchool":n="/p_26,";break;case"HSStreetArea":n="/p_51,"}r=e.boundaryEntity.url}var a="";if(e.bounds&&{var;a="/c_"","+o.lng.toString()}var i="/b_"+e.bounds.north+","+e.bounds.east+"-"+e.bounds.south+","+e.bounds.west,s="";e.criteria&&e.criteria.filters&&e.criteria.filters.shape&&e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&void 0!==e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&(s="/cp_"+encodeURIComponent(e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons));var l="";if(e.commuteTimePlaces){l="/ct_";for(var u=0;u0?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"+ Beds"):n.maximum===n.minimum?t.push(n.minimum.toString()+" Beds"):n.minimum>0&&n.maximum<100&&t.push(n.minimum.toString()+"-"+n.maximum.toString()+" Beds");var a=r.filters&&r.filters.baths?r.filters.baths:{};0===a.minimum&&1===a.maximum?t.push("0-1 Baths"):1===a.minimum&&2===a.maximum?t.push("1-2 Baths"):2===a.minimum&&3===a.maximum?t.push("2-3 Baths"):3===a.minimum&&4===a.maximum?t.push("3-4 Baths"):4===a.minimum&&5===a.maximum?t.push("4-5 Baths"):5===a.minimum&&50===a.maximum?t.push("5+ Baths"):0===a.minimum&&0===a.maximum?t.push("0 Baths"):50===a.maximum&&a.minimum>0?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"+ Baths"):void 0!==a.minimum&&a.maximum===a.minimum?t.push(a.minimum.toString()+" Baths"):a.minimum>0&&a.maximum<50&&t.push(a.minimum.toString()+"-"+a.maximum.toString()+" Baths");var o=r.filters&&r.filters.price?r.filters.price:{};if(o.minimum&&o.minimum.raw>0&&o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push(o.minimum.short+" - "+o.maximum.short):o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push("0&&t.push(">"+o.minimum.short),r&&r.filters&&{case 1:t.push("Today");break;case 2:t.push("Over 1 Week");break;case 3:t.push("Over 1 Month");break;case 4:t.push("Over 3 Months");break;case 5:t.push("Over 6 Months");break;case 6:t.push("Over a Year");break;case 7:t.push("Past Week");break;case 8:t.push("Past Month");break;case 9:t.push("Past 3 Months");break;case 10:t.push("Past 6 Months");break;case 11:t.push("Past Year");break;case 12:t.push("Tomorrow");break;case 13:t.push("This Week");break;case 14:t.push("Saturday");break;case 15:t.push("Sunday");break;case 16:t.push("This Weekend");break;case 17:t.push("This Week");break;case 18:t.push("Next Weekend")}return t=t.join(", "),e&&e.boundaryEntity? He is survived by 5 siblings: Jody, Tom, Ben, Jerilyn and Janis and many cousins. Currently released on DVD/video is Brothers in Arms for Screen Gems, on which Larry served as a co-producer as well as co-starred, and Go For Broke II, which Larry starred opposite Glenn Plummer. uG. MyLife aggregates publicly available information from government, social, and other sources, plus personal reviews written by others. 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"-".concat(t):t}return null},getNumber:function(e){return e||0===e? He was born on August 17, 1938, the first of 6 children to Benjamin Joseph and Ruth deButts Jenkins in Washington, D.C. Larrys family moved to Southern Maryland when he was six years old. Who's Searching for You, Look Your Best to People Searching for You. "Last 7 Days":i>=7&&i<14? By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. 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On the United States' entry into World War II, Jenkins enlisted in the US Army Air Corps. {raw:e,short:"$"+this.getShortNumber(e),dollars:"$"+parseInt(e).toLocaleString(),dollarsWithoutCommas:"$"+parseInt(e,10),dollarsWithCents:"$"+e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:2,minimumFractionDigits:2})}:null},getShortNumber:function(e){if(e||0===e){var t,r=!1;return e<0&&(r=!0,e*=-1),e<1e4?t=e.toLocaleString():e<999500?(t=Math.round(e/1e3).toString(),t+="K"):e<105e4?t="1M":e<9995e4?(t=(Math.round(e/1e5)/10).toFixed(1).toString(),t+="M"):(t=Math.round(e/1e6).toString(),t+="M"),r? {raw:e,commas:e.toLocaleString(),short:this.getShortNumber(e),decimal0:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:0}),decimal1:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:1,minimumFractionDigits:1}),decimal2:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:2,minimumFractionDigits:2}),decimal3:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:3,minimumFractionDigits:3})}:null},getPercent:function(e,t){if(e||0===e){var r=t||1,n=this.getNumber(Math.abs(e*r));return{raw:e*r,abs:n.raw,commas:n.commas+"%",decimal0:n.decimal0+"%",decimal1:n.decimal1+"%",decimal2:n.decimal2+"%",decimal3:n.decimal3+"%",isPositive:e>0}}return null},getPhoneNumber:function(e){if(e){var t=e.replace(/\D/g,"").replace(/^1/,""),r=(t.substr(0,10),t.substr(10,100)),n="("+t.substr(0,3)+") "+t.substr(3,3)+"-"+t.substr(6,4),a=t.substr(0,3)+"-"+t.substr(3,3)+"-"+t.substr(6,4),o=n,i=t.substr(0,3)+"."+t.substr(3,3)+". Reviews help Get Latrina Jenkins's email, phone, and more (t=6,r=e.propertyID),,{type:t,id:r}}},getPageTitle:function(e){var t=e.address?e.address.fullStreetAddress+", "+e.address.cityStateZip:"";return e.listing&&e.listing.sourceNumber&&(t+=" | MLS #"+e.listing.sourceNumber),t},getGraphImage:function(e){return{raw:e,large:e.replace("{w}","1000").replace("{h}","120")}},getPieChartImage:function(e,t){var r="";for(var n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r+=t[n].Value+" - "+t[n].Label,r+="|");return{raw:e,small:e.replace("{w}","320").replace("{h}","160").replace("{color0}","00A3E1").replace("{color1}","56BBE1").replace("{color2}","abddf0").replace("{color3}","cccccc")+"&chdl="+r.slice(0,-1)}},getStatusBadges:function(e){function t(e,t,r){this.text=e,this.color=t,this.secondaryColor=r}var r=[];if(e.listing){if(e.listing.specialFeatures.comingSoon){var n=new t("Coming Soon","#fac332","");r.push(n)}else{var o,i,s=2===e.transactionType.raw; United States ' entry into World War II, Jenkins enlisted in the US Army Corps. < 14 use of cookies, Your data will be aggregated with other. 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