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holy loch american veterans association

I will always remember how polite the people were there and I miss being there at times. We watched and waved off the very last ship to leave the holy loch for good it was an experience I am just looking to find out the name of the ship docked around that time of 1989 if you know please, hello Paul my name is Steven Hadley and I served on board the Saugus from 1977 to 79 and I loved it I had a great time. Had a flatt in Innellen where supposedly the write for the song Auld Lang Syne lived? More facilities are to be provided in the area for community use including a 2 million refurbishment of the Drumfork Centre in Churchill Square, due to be completed by 2018 while the MoD's longer-term wish list includes hopes for a new railway station at Shandon for those working at Faslane. Michael Ridpath's new book "Launch Code" is about a nuclear sub based at the Holy Loch which almost started a nuclear war thanks to erroneous instructions being sent to it. The potentially catastrophic crash occurred in november 1974 when the ssbn james madison, armed with 16 poseidon nuclear missiles, was heading out of the us naval base at holy loch, 30 miles north. Loved the pubs in Dunoon and the fish & chips. :), Jim,I too have fond memories of Scotland and the people. Proteus, arrived on station March 3, 1961.) Always a humble man, he leaves behind him a lovely wife, family and a standard that all should strive to attain. Saw a newspaper in August '66 that had a headline: "70 AGAIN TOMORROW, NO RELIEF IN SIGHT", Tom, Yes, I agree with you about the pubs and fish & chips. I also enjoyed visiting the Scottish pubs. Almost never ate in a restaurantthe pubs were where the locals & darts were. This beautiful sea loch which is situated in the Argyll Forest Park has picturesque beaches, forest trails and also a stunning marina which makes for a brilliant starting point for boating excursions. and can not be used without permission from AboutSubs. Leslie,No, I don't know the people mentioned above. And once again thanks for the memory's it saddens me to hear that site one was shut down I had no idea. p.async = 'async'; Paul, Thanks for jogging some great memories. Comments. Their financial impact on the town was not as great as many people thought. Dear Paul, I visited Dunoon Scotland in the summer of 1977. Needless to say, I loved it there. Paul Davis has been a student of crime since he was a 12-year-old aspiring writer growing up in South Philadelphia. I loved my time in Scotland, aboard the USS Holland, 1975-1977. Lol sorry I just couldnt help myself Hey Paul great article, I served on the USS Canopus AS-34 1975 thru 1977 and was on board in Holy Loch for the ships last year of duty out there. Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound, Bremerton, Washington Contract Award Date: 08/08/1962 Keel Laid: 01/07/1963 Sponsors: Mrs. H. Diamond & Mrs. Cecil Ford Launch Date: 02/08/1964 Commission Date: 11/07/1964 Paul. In the 23 years I did in the Navy, the 5 years I did in Holy Loch were the best. On April 2, 1987, the USS Mariano G Vallejo (SSBN 658), completed the 2,500th Ballistic Missile Deterrent Patrol to be carried out by the submarine fleet. I wouldn't have any problem living there after my retirement. It has occurred to us, therefore, that it might be possible to include a visit to the Simon Lake in the course of the Queen Mothers forthcoming visit to Faslane in May. Finally, in June '87 the Hunley was relieved by the Simon Lake [for her 2nd //-->, "Stop Spam Harvesters, Join Project Honey Pot", //

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